Welcome Back!

We hope you learned some new things, made new connections, and had lots of fun yesterday.

There’s even more goodness today…

We have a full line-up of great presentations, people to help you in the Happiness Bar, more quality time with our sponsors, and prizes later in the day.


  1. Check out the sessions you don’t want to miss here.
  2. Bring your parking ticket inside to get the reduced parking rate ($8 instead of $16).
  3. Be sure to share your expertise and wisdom on the Tips & Tricks board.
  4. Stick around for Closing Remarks and sponsor prize announcements at 4:00 pm in the Ballroom.
  5. Remember to say thank you to the volunteers and organizers who donated many, many hours to make this weekend wonderful.

Thanks for being a part of our outstanding WordPress community!

See you next year – or maybe next month at a local meetup!