WordPress Development for Beginners: Building Themes (Sold Out)

This year at WordCamp, we are splitting up the beginners day into three workshops, one of the workshops will be WordPress Development for Beginners: Building Themes.

The post below originally appeared on Sideway8.

This is going to be a fun WordCamp this year. Last year we added a “beginners day” and we had 200 sign up. I was asked by the other organizers to lead this track. I know I can’t do this all by myself so I have asked Micah Wood (a good friend and an amazing developer) to help lead this.

This is specifically for people who either know other frameworks and want to learn how to build within WordPress or for people who know how to hack at a theme but want to know how to do it “correctly”. We will be assuming that people in this track will already be familiar with CSS, HTML, PHP, Git (conceptually speaking) and have some local development experience.

So if you are looking to attend the track and learn the ins and outs of WordPress theming, make sure you show up on March 18th and have the following installed:

We are also looking for other WordPress ninjas (developers) to help us during the sessions. Please let us know if you are interested in helping.