Julien Melissas

Julien Melissas

Julien Melissas is a web developer from Asheville, NC, with a passion for clean, efficient code, and re-doing things until they’re just right. Julien loves to learn about new technologies and development workflows. He has been working with WordPress for 5+ years now and has grown quite fond of it.

Julien is a co-founder and technical director at Craftpeak, a creative agency in Asheville. Formally he was a freelancer and independent contractor for companies all over the US, where he built tons of custom WordPress themes and other solutions tailored to the client’s needs. He’s on the Roots development team, and was also an organizer of the 2014 WordCamp in Asheville, NC. Julien loves JavaScript, information architecture open source, the Roots/Sage starter theme, the Advanced Custom Fields plugin, mobile-first web design, and Pit Bulls. When Julien is not in front of the screen working on building beautiful websites or that “next big thing”, you can find him making music, cooking, wrenching on a car since he’s had since 15, or out in the yard gardening with his girlfriend, Hana, and their dogs, Dina and Wilbur.
