Gene Hammett

Gene Hammett

I am a true entrepreneur.  Previously I ran a multi-million dollar business that struggled in the beginning, but my discovery of how to focus on the RIGHT aspects of business and STOP doing the other stuff resulted in massive profits and growth.  Now I am fiercely committed to working with high-achieving business owners who want to lead with confidence and achieve true financial freedom (in months, not years).  As the Managing Director of Core Elevation, Inc., I help leaders transform from stagnate, stressed and struggling to thriving, growing, and loving their work.

I work with entrepreneurs who want to find the perfect match between their unique value and the people who will become their best clients and biggest fans. That perfect match is their “bullseye”, where they can add the most benefit and create the greatest wealth.  Unfortunately, most entrepreneurs never figure out how to find it. As a strategic business coach, my job is to help them hit it.
