Check Out Atlanta WordPress Meetup Groups

WordPress Meetup Groups in Atlanta

Meetup Badge We have several WordPress Meetups, held all over the Metro-Atlanta area. These Meetups feature specific topics geared to the various levels ranging from beginners through developers.The Meetups are a good way to learn more about WordPress and how to use it, whatever your level is. If you have some degree of proficiency, WordPress Meetups are a great way to share your WordPress knowledge with others by getting involved and speaking. A good number of our WordCamp speakers are drawn from speakers from our local Meetups.
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WordPress for Everyone!

We have been putting our heads together to try to come up with an even better WordCamp experience for everyone this year. Our previous WordCamps here in Atlanta have been amazing but, there are always things that can be tweaked. This year our theme is WordPress for Everyone. In keeping with this theme, our schedule is going to provide content for every type and level of WordPress fanatic. Check  our our speakers. We have some of the best WordPress experts from Atlanta sharing their time with us.

WordCamp Atlanta

For Beginners

We are having a very hands-on Beginners Workshop on March 8th which is being held at and sponsored by Georgia State University. We believe that having hands-on experience actually using WordPress will be more effective in getting our beginners using WordPress right away. Having the beginners workshop ahead of time will give the beginners the opportunity to attend some of the presentations about using WordPress for business and blogging. The workshop is going to be limited to 50 participants and you will need a laptop computer to attend.

For Kids

There is a big movement going on to teach kids to code. We have had kids attend our previous WordCamps but have not made an effort to provide any kid level programming. This year Russell Fair is designing a WordPress for Kids  workshop that we are really excited about.


Our tracks will be different this year: Very Beginner, Designer, Beginner Developer, Geek Developer.

For Users of All Levels

We are designating Friday March 14th to be the Learn and Earn Tracks. The presentations on Friday will be designed to appeal to people at all levels. These presentations will emphasize the many ways of using WordPress. Such topics as how to use a WordPress site for your business, case studies featuring people talking about their particular use of WordPress sites, how to deploy WordPress in Enterprise Wide Projects, the use of WordPress for particular business sites such as real estate, auctions, directories and e-commerce. This day will be the day to have presentations on doing business as a WordPress Designer/Developer. And the list goes on. Continue reading WordPress for Everyone!