We really appreciate all the awesome speakers, sponsors, and volunteers that made WordCamp Atlanta possible. And we appreciate everyone who attended for making the event such a rich and worthy success. Plus it was fun, right?
With Wordcamps in over 200 cities all around the world, you’re part of a pretty special community. Because everyone who makes the effort to attend Wordcamps and local meetups has something to offer, and something to learn. Think of it as open source education, run by people, not institutions.
Throughout the WP community, that wealth of creativity and intelligence has generated all kinds of profitable partnerships, as well as ongoing chances to get better at what we do. And it turns out that when we love what we do, work is kinda fun.
Until next time, look into those ideas and resources that you jotted down at the sessions. Watch for the session videos on WordPress.tv. And re-connect with the sponsors and other folks that you chatted with. Because you never know where it will lead.
And we’ll see you next spring. If you’ve been inspired to get up and speak next time about your area of expertise, we look forward to hearing what you have to say. If you’d like to get more involved by volunteering, we’d love to have you on the team.
In the end, finding your pot of gold in WordPress is all about connecting and learning. It’s about reaching out to a colorful rainbow of new possibilities. It’s about having a voice online, and making a living. And, yeah, it’s about having a little fun along the way.