Speaker: Cliff Seal
Twitter: @cliffseal
Presentation Slides: logos-creative.com/wcatl
What is the transients API
- simple way to store cached data in the database temporarily by giving it a name and timeframe after which it will expire
- like options API, but with expiration
- uses fast memory (if configured)
- uses database otherwise
What can you do with it?
- external APIs – tweets, friends, scrobbles
- cache expensive queries – tag cloud, ratings, custom queries
- $transient
- (string) a unique identifiedr for your cached data
- 45 characters or less in length
- For multi-site transients, 40 characters or less in length
- $value
- (array|object) Data to save, either a regular variable or an array/object
- Handles serialization for you
- $expiration
- (integer) number of seconds to keep the data before refreshing
- built in wordpress time functions
- get_transient($transient);
- if the transient does not exist, or has expired, returns false
- an integer value of zero/empty or could be the stored data
- should not be used to hold plain boolean values; array or integers instead
- delete_transient($transient);
- multi-site
- set_site_transient
- get_site_transient
- delete_site_transient
- warnings
- everything works on request
- expired != deleted, unless requested
- unrequested, undeleted transients stay until you remove them explicitly
- scalar
- accepts scalar values (integer, float, string or boolean) & non-scalar serializable values (arrays, some objects)
- SimpleXMLElement will FREAK OUT, so convert it to a string or array of objects (i.e. simplexml_load_string)
- infinite
- transients set without an expiration time are autoloaded
- if you don’t need it on every page, set an expiration (even if it’s a year)
- consider the Options API for non-transient data
- caching
- in some shared hosting environments, object caching can be slower than using the database; check your host’s recommended settings
- always use the Transients API to access transients; don’t assume they’re in the database (or vice versa)
- 3 useful tools
- TLC Transients – supports soft-expiration, background updating
- Debug Bar Transients – adds panel to debug bar with transient info
- Artiss Transient Cleaner – Deletes expired transients and optimizes table
Lots of code examples, be sure to checkout the presenter slides!