One of the many things I love about WordPress is the community. At our Atlanta WordPress Users Meetup we have a great group of regulars that cover all ages, all races and varied backgrounds from techies to newbies, business owners and bloggers. People come with some intrepidation having never attended a technical meetup and find a welcoming group of helpful people. You will find that same spirit of community at WordCamps. In fact, it is the norm and one of the reasons we do the whole event totally on the power of volunteers, do not want to make a profit and and keep the cost of the event affordable to most (forty bucks for two days of stellar presentations, lunches, snacks, a t-shirt and free parking. Really!!!???)
So far at WordCampAtl, we have registered a couple of people over the age of 70 and we have one boy, almost twelve years old, who is eager to learn more about WordPress. His mom asked if we had a children’s track, but I assured her that he will fit right in with the other beginners and will probably have as much or more technical ability than some people much older than himself. The curious thing is, his Mom said she is not technical at all. I am going to find out more about how he became interested in WordPress and I will let you know.
I promise in between holiday festivities, we are hard at work on our presentations and will be posting the speakers and their talks real soon.