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- Carol Shepherd
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- Jack Shelton
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- Kip Meeboer
- Kip Meeboer
- Kip Meeboer
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- Susan Burnash
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- Zwei Lagat
I am attending word camp 2012, have already paid how do I get my ticket and t shirt, I went to the site for my ticket verification and there was no info there to verify my ticket or t shirt, there is a picture of me being an attendant but there is no more info on nothing else i need to know what do I need to do to get my ticket or admission certification and when or where to I get my tee shirt before this event starts, I remember something about that when I first registered and paid my money but that site seems to have been taken down, please get back to me on this so I can resolve this issue , thank you Henry Cooper.
Henry, If you filled out the information for your t-shirt and meal type then your information is in the system and ready to spit out your badge which will be ready for you when you arrive. See you soon!
I too am registered (and paid) to attend WordCamp. When I signed up I didn’t see anywhere to choose a meal type or t-shirt. Where do I find that information?
Cindy, I checked your registration and it looks like you are all set.
If you didn’t fill out the crazy ticket registration thing completely, please send us an e-mail with your deets.
Unisex t-shirt size: xs, s ,m, l, xl. xxl. xxxl
Meal: Turkey or Vegi
Status: Beginner, User, Designer, Developer
We will put it in the database for you 🙂
I’m really looking forward to this! The seminars look like they’ll be really helpful!
Can you squeeze just one more in? I found out about Wordcamp 2 days after the Atlanta forum sold out. I am awaiting the Nashville camp but still no date. I am a developer but new to WordPress and I feel like I am wasting my time. Just thought I would ask if there were any cancellations? And what about no-shows? Do you fill their spot if I showed up?
Can’t hurt to ask, right?
Maybe someone has a ticket and isn’t able to go. If you are holding a ticket and can’t make it, Please contact someone who is commenting that they need a ticket.
Judi, Please check your registration list for my name. Thanks in advance.
hope to learn from this event and interact with fellow bloggers
Is it alright if I go back and edit my profile? I did not know that we could add our Gravatar profiles until now.
There are 2 Amy Martin’s listed as attendees. One of those is Carol Sue Young.
Thanks for making this correction. Also, would you please let me know if we have submitted our meals/tshirts?
How do I become added to the Attendees List?
If you have a ticket you are able to come to WordCamp and we will have your badge ready for you. If you didn’t register, we are sold out. If you have a ticket but aren’t on the attendee list, Sorry, We can’t fix it now.